IES La Rosaleda

 Web of the School 

Get into this Blog "Cocina con Signos" to learn some Spanish Sign Language in cookery. Very easy and tasty. 


Today we have met Julia López Giraldez, who is ATD COMENIUS, María Fernández Ruiz who is the multilingualism Provincial representative in Málaga, Mª Luisa Sánchez Morón who is a psycholoyst at EOEE and Beatriz the Provincial representative of European Projects in Málaga.
We have been working about the Comenius 'Tasty Europe' and all the events we are preparing for the next visit in Málaga in 2014.
Students and teachers from Europe will visit our Institute on March.
Julia also explained us all the reforms that are taking place in our National Agency about the European Projects.
Finally we had the chance to invite them at the new facilities in our Institute. We enjoyed sharing a lot of information and plans.

Day of the Spanish Constitution, December 6th
Most of the andalusian institutes have been celebrating the Day of the Spanish Constitution which was approved in 1978.
Today we have had the chance to watch the CD that a group of teachers and students of La Rosaleda prepared five years ago. You can read about the Fundamental Rights and Public Freedoms of the Spanish Constitution.
The presentation was illustrated by Juan Kalvellido. Please, don’t hesitate to have a look at it. It is worth watching it.



 On 25th October 2012, second year students in "Técnicos en Servicios en Restauración” celebrated Halloween together in our Centre´s superb facilities.. They worked all week, preparing everything in order to create a "nice and comfortable" atmosphere. They decorated the restaurant and made lovely Menus in English for the special occasion. They also designed some posters promoting the event. The students recorded a 30 seconds promotion video whic was shown througout the school. NOW YOU SHOULD WRITE SOME SENTENCES IN ENGLISH TELLING US WHAT WE DID IN CLASS!!!

25 nov 

Our students designed these posters at the Printing workshop in IES La Rosaleda, Málaga
WHO | International Day of Persons with Disabilities WHO | International Day of Persons with Disabilities

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